Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Flashback #1

I know.. I know..
I haven't been updating my blog in English eversince I hooked myself up with Chinese lyrics, poems and etc. Well, didn't write it on purpose, just felt like spitting it out at that moment that's all.

Alright, what's been happening in my life for the past few weeks or months for me..
As usual, I can barely recall what I have done in a couple of hours ago, not to mention weeks or months ago. So.. you can imagine how much effort Im putting in polishing my blog :P. Oh, was having a can of Tiger beer while writing this though.. Burb.. so bare with my typewriting :D

Family members went to Tokyo, Japan for holidays, taking this opportunity to share some pictures..

9th Nov, 2005 - A street from tokyo with stalls around :D

9th Nov, 2005 - Road sign from tokyo

10th Nov, 2005 - Oeno train station

10th Nov, 2005 - Introduction of the bridge.

10th Nov, 2005 - Blue print of the bridge.

10th Nov, 2005 - One of the longest walking bridge.. I guess

10th Nov, 2005 - A view from bridge.

Night is not young...
Good night for now.

1 comment:

exchien said...

Wtf... simply put some pics to polish your blog and consider as new topic???

Some more you aint in the japan tour, that's not called flashback la. KNS...